Emergency Dentist South Bend Indiana

Accidents and emergencies happen. If you need emergency dentistry, the most important thing is to stay calm and not panic. Call us immediately at (574) 232-8888 and our emergency dentist in South Bend, IN, will see you as soon as possible.

What is a Dental Emergency?

Broken Teeth

Large chips, cracks, and other injuries need to be addressed as soon as possible to avoid infection and relieve pain.

Knocked-Out Teeth

If you knock out a tooth, do not touch its roots. It's best to gently place the tooth back in its socket and gently bite down to hold it in place. Alternatively, you may submerge the tooth in a container of milk while driving to our office.  This will keep the tooth moist and intact until you're able to receive emergency dental care.

Dental Abscess

A dental abscess is pus trapped under the gums and may look similar to a pimple. A dental abscess may also form at the tips of tooth roots or closer to the surface of your gums. Under these circumstances, our dentist may recommend an emergency root canal to save the tooth and restore your oral health.

Soft Tissue Damage

If your inner cheek or lip is bleeding, gently swish with a warm saltwater rinse then apply pressure with clean gauze. Our emergency dentist will be able to diagnose the injury and recommend a course of treatment.

What is Not a Dental Emergency?

While all of the below conditions need to be addressed by our dentist, they’re not as urgent as the dental emergencies listed above and can wait until the next available opening in our schedule.

Here are some examples of non-urgent conditions:

Schedule Urgent Dental Care

Our emergency dentist in South Bend, IN, is accepting new patients. To schedule an appointment for urgent dental care, please call Select Dental Associates at (574) 232-8888. You may also fill out our online contact form and someone from our team will reach out to you soon.

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